No former member of programming Board of Examiners may take part in programming advancement, sponsorship or management of any preparatory or cram course provided programmers candidates for programming social work examination for two years after said board member’s term of office has expired. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R. S. 37:2705. C. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by programming Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Certified Social Work Examiners, LR 26:302 February 2000, repromulgated LR 29:2383 November 2003, amended LR 37:2616 September 2011, amended by programming Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Social Work Examiners, LR 40:304 February 2014. Strategies supplied come with helpful thinking, goal putting, time control, textbook study system, concentration, test taking, visualization, memory, note taking and others. The LASSI, programming Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, is programming pre and post course evaluation. The strategies mastered are carried out automatically into programming cadets present life at USMA and give a contribution programmers life long learning. The course has five graded assignments and computer technological know-how final pass/no record grade willpower. Reading Efficiency RS102: This course develops bendy reading options Increasing ones base studying rate while maintaining comprehension is accomplished via programming use of laptop programs, textbook reading and recreational reading. Various pacing methods and supervised apply lead programmers programming augment of both studying rate and comprehension but most of all programmers programming advancement of desktop technological know-how reader who has desktop technological know-how range of innovations programmers use based upon programming type of studying required.